
Firing Ceramics

I use 2 forms of firing my ceramics. Oxidation in a electric kiln & Reduction in the form of Raku.

Oxidation firing means that the oxygen is free to interact with the glazes when firing. This is done typically in a electric kiln.

Reduction firing occurs when there is a deficit of oxygen. This generally when there is more fuel than oxygen and is done generally in a gas or wood burning fired kiln.

I Raku fire in a oil drum which has been converted into a outdoor gas fired kiln. The pieces are loaded into the kiln and taken to around 1000c degrees, until they are glowing & I can see the glaze melting. Using tongs the pieces are removed from the heat and placed into a reduced atmosphere, which is a metal bin, full of organic material such as saw-dust, leaves, banana skins, newspaper etc. After cooling it is then plunged into cold water. The exposed areas are left black & the glazed areas are crackled white which I rub with ink to show the crackle off. You can achieve some beautiful metal effects using this technique.